by Paul Rosenzweig | Sep 5, 2016 | Cybersecurity
Last week, co-blogger Nick Weaver posted a short summary of why he holds the view that Apple products are safe, but that Android products systematically are not. His recommendation was to throw your Android phone in the garbage and he asked, somewhat…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Aug 28, 2016 | Cybersecurity
What is worse than the Federal government having actionable confidential information that it doesn’t share with state and local governments, even though that information could assist them? How about sharing that information only to turn around and…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Aug 7, 2016 | Cybersecurity
A few days at the beach see a number of interesting (and as yet unremarked in Lawfare) cyber items: A few days at the beach see a number of interesting (and as yet unremarked in Lawfare) cyber items: he Obama administration is preparing to elevate…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Jun 28, 2016 | Cybersecurity, Homeland Security
Almost everything we think we know about homeland security is outdated. Almost everything we think we know about homeland security is outdated. If the lessons of Paris (twice), Brussels, San Bernardino, Orlando, Istanbul (just yesterday), Sony, the…
by Paul Rosenzweig | May 27, 2016 | Cybersecurity
It is difficult to shock people these days. Especially in the cybersecurity realm we have seen so many different foolish ways of being vulnerable that one becomes inured to it. As Kevin Mittnick is reported to have said once: “There is no patch for…