DHS Cybersecurity Authorities

Cybersecurity and Civil Liability

One of the issues we discussed regarding the proposed cybersecurity bills in the Senate was the question of a regulatory system to identify best practices and require them for critical infrastructure. I was then, and remain, skeptical of the idea.…

Of Gooses and Ganders and Cybersecurity

Readers will recall our earlier discussion of the House Intelligence Committee report that called two Chinese companies, Huawei and ZTE threats to American information security. Well, it hasn’t taken long for a Chinese response — though an…
DHS Cybersecurity Authorities

US v. Stanley and Moocherhunter

Over at the Volokh Conspiracy, my friend Orin Kerr has a fascinating post on the case of US v. Stanley. It isn’t strictly cybersecurity but the case itself is still worth reading. For those who want a quick summary:The police traced a child…