Almost everything we think we know about homeland security is outdated. Almost everything we think we know about homeland security is outdated. If the lessons of Paris (twice), Brussels, San Bernardino, Orlando, Istanbul (just yesterday), Sony, the…
It is difficult to shock people these days. Especially in the cybersecurity realm we have seen so many different foolish ways of being vulnerable that one becomes inured to it. As Kevin Mittnick is reported to have said once: “There is no patch for…
As we move toward a presidential election, the question arises: what should the next President (whoever he or she may be) do about cybersecurity? It is a sufficiently salient question that President Obama has chartered a commission, whose basic…
Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) will, in its current form, come up for reauthorization in 2017. Broadly speaking, the Section 702 program targets non-U.S. persons reasonably believed to be located outside the United…
The President had previously named Tom Donilon and Sam Palmisano as Co-chairs. Today, he announced the members of the panel, including our own Herb Lin. Congrats Herb. The Commission is due to file a report by December and will have its first meeting…
In 2006, when the Office of the Director of National Intelligence provided its first “Annual Threat Asssessment” top billing went to the “Global Jihadist Threat.” Rounding out the top three concerns, Director Negroponte mentioned the then-ongoing…