by Paul Rosenzweig | Jun 17, 2014 | Cybersecurity
A small earthquake happened at the end of May – a well-regarded, widely known encryption program called TrueCrypt shut its doors. For those who care about surveillance, encryption, and open-source methodologies, the change was abrupt and disturbing.…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Jun 17, 2014 | Cybersecurity
Last week, as I noted in Bits and Bytes, the Chairman of the FCC, Tom Wheeler, gave a speech at AEI in which he claimed a role for the FCC in advancing cybersecurity.Today, Rep. Mike Rogers threw a flag. In a letter to the FCC, he wrote that the…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Jun 16, 2014 | Cybersecurity
The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senators Feinstein and Chambliss have introduced a draft cybersecurity information sharing bill. Early coverage of the bill from Inside Cybersecurity is here. My own quick…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Jun 15, 2014 | Cybersecurity, Homeland Security, National Security
The U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has contracted with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to manage core functions of the Internet since ICANN was established in 1998. ICANN is a…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Jun 12, 2014 | Cybersecurity, National Security
“Greetings from the Chinese Embassy.” That’s how the email opened. It was an invitation to lunch (or tea) with a counselor in the embassy to discuss cybersecurity. How could I say “no?” So I went to lunch the other day. It was, on the whole,…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Jun 2, 2014 | Cybersecurity
The topic of net neutrality (i.e. the question of whether or not all content on the network should be transmitted equally or whether some content providers can pay a premium to have their content transmitted at a faster pace than general) is not one…