FTC Seeks New Privacy Authority

FTC Seeks New Privacy Authority

Lawfare readers will recall that I earlier blogged about the Federal Trade Commission’s case against Wyndham Hotels. Under the mantle of its consumer protection mandate, the FTC has sought to impose civil penalties against those companies who do not…
FTC Seeks New Privacy Authority

Cyber and the NDAA

Congress is in recess now (that’s why it’s so quiet here in Washington) and when they return the first order of business for the Senate is to take up the 2014 NDAA. The bill, authorizing activities of the Department of Defense, is one of the few…
FTC Seeks New Privacy Authority

Cybersecurity and the Least Cost Avoider

Over the past month, Jane Chong has written a series of posts published over at Security States that go under the title “Bad Code.” Her thesis (amply documented) is that those who write software code generally take inadequate precautions to ensure…