President Trump’s trip to Europe was not a complete failure — his speech in Poland struck me as reasonable and Presidential. But his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and their discussion on cybersecurity was not a shining moment.…
I am a bit of an outlier in the cybersecurity community since I think that there are circumstances in which private actors ought to be allowed to more aggressively respond to intrusions on their systems (though I don’t go “full postal” on the issue).…
Malicious cyber activity from other states and non-state actors shows no sign of abating anytime soon. Both the U.S. and India have been working on behavioral norms in cyber space—an effort that should be sustained. Bad actors, however, do not…
As Jordan Brunner has explained, the new NSPM-4 memorandum reorganizing the National Security Council has far more in it than the As Jordan Brunner has explained, the new NSPM-4 memorandum reorganizing the National Security Council has far more in it…
The news today is shocking. Russian authorities have arrested a top Kaspersky cybersecurity manager for espionage. The news today is shocking. Russian authorities have arrested a top Kaspersky cybersecurity manager for espionage. Kaspersky is a…
Eight years ago, the Center for Strategic and International Studies published an influential report that was a blueprint for early cybersecurity policy development in the Obama Administration. Eight years ago, the Center for Strategic and…