The U.S. faces significant cybersecurity threats that jeopardize America’s critical infrastructure, the freedoms that Americans exercise online, and the economic viability of U.S. businesses. The cybersecurity status quo is unstable, especially when…
In his State of the Union address, President Obama announced that he had signed an executive order (EO) on cybersecurity. The order uses a standard-setting approach to improve cybersecurity. However, such a model will only impose costs, encourage…
As Rafaella reported last night, President Obama went “all-in” on cybersecurity last night, marrying a substantive mention of cyber in his State of the Union address (I’m bitter about that — I bet against it, which shows you how valuable my…
The confirmation process for three key Administration positions is expected to begin in the next couple weeks, with Senator John Kerry (D–MA) nominated for Secretary of State, former Senator Chuck Hagel (R–NE) nominated for Secretary of Defense, and…
The Administration has now released a draft executive order (EO) on cybersecurity,[1] and with President Obama’s recent re-election, the likelihood that the EO will be issued has only increased. Furthermore, Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D–NV)…
I’ve had a chance to read the draft Executive Order on cybersecurity now and several thoughts spring to mind.For those who like the bottom line up front: I am, honestly, of two minds about this effort. On the one hand, it pushes pretty far toward a…