In the News

From CyberInsecurity News:

How do you measure cybersecurity? Right now, the answer is pretty clear. Nobody knows. But Paul Rosenzweig is on the case. And he’s convinced that if we figure this out, the answer will be really valuable to all of us (as he’ll explain). Rosenzweig was one of the earliest lawyers hired by the brand new Department of Homeland Security. His work now ranges from teaching cybersecurity at the George Washington School of Law, to advising big-name clients through his work at The Chertoff Group, to trying to measure cybersecurity at the Washington think tank R Street Institute. He also happens to be a great raconteur, as you’ll find out when he joins us on Thursday, Dec. 12 at noon Eastern.

The Cybersecurity and Privacy Working Group is co-chaired by David Hechler and Chris Colvin. We invite guest speakers with outstanding expertise in the the field to our monthly meetings. If you missed prior meetings, check out our webcast recordings.

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