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From The Washington Post:

Rosenzweig described the lawsuit as “not a slam dunk winner, but certainly a lot less outrageous than Sidney Powell’s Kraken suits,” a reference to a series of error-ridden lawsuits from a Trump-allied lawyer alleging widespread electoral fraud, several of which have been thrown out of court. Rosenzweig, who’s also a Republican and frequent critic of Trump, is a senior fellow at the R Street Institute think tank

The lawsuit could burnish Krebs’s own celebrity as it draws attention to the plight of other election officials.

Since Trump fired him, Krebs has appeared on 60 Minutes and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, exposing him to a far broader public microphone than he enjoyed as the director of a little known cybersecurity agency within the Department of Homeland Security. He’s also earned praise from celebrities including movie star and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R).

“Krebs is world famous now so this suit is generating attention,” Rosenzweig said.

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