by Paul Rosenzweig | Dec 14, 2020 | Cybersecurity, Donald Trump
Nearly 500 years ago, King Henry VIII sacked his most loyal courtier, Thomas Cromwell, removing him from office and then beheading him. Today, Attorney General William Barr suffers the same Cromwellian fate, his sycophantic fealty to President Donald…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Dec 8, 2020 | Cybersecurity, Homeland Security
Rosenzweig described the lawsuit as “not a slam dunk winner, but certainly a lot less outrageous than Sidney Powell’s Kraken suits,” a reference to a series of error-ridden lawsuits from a Trump-allied lawyer alleging widespread electoral fraud,…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Dec 2, 2020 | Cybersecurity
One of us has observed the first democratic elections in countries like Chile, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Tunisia, Afghanistan, and Ukraine — never thinking that our country would cease to be the model to emulate. The other of us has served as a…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Nov 30, 2020 | Cybersecurity
The Aspen Cybersecurity Group is a forum for a diverse range of voices, and this report draws on the advice and expertise of a variety of outside partners, colleagues, and across industry, government, and civil society. As with any attempt to distill…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Nov 22, 2020 | Cybersecurity
Georgia has certified President Trump’s electoral loss. His Giuliani-led effort to overturn the results in Pennsylvania was rejected by a federal judge as an “unhinged” “Frankenstein monster.” And in Michigan and Arizona, Trump’s efforts to overturn…