by Paul Rosenzweig | Jul 1, 2012 | Cybersecurity
Two think tanks — one from China and one (CSIS) from the US have been conducting a dialogue on cybersecurity over the past several years. This joint release (English at the bottom) summarizes some of their discussions. From the introduction:Since…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Jun 26, 2012 | Cybersecurity
Jessica Herrera-Flanigan certainly seems to think so and, honestly, I can’t disagree with her. From the article:Even if cybersecurity legislation does get through the Senate, there is not a clear path forward for reconciling that bill (or bills) with…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Jun 22, 2012 | Cybersecurity, Homeland Security, National Security
One of the interesting aspects of blogging for Lawfare is that I get to try on a few new hats. For years, I have thought of myself as a lawyer and a policy analyst — hats I get to wear every day and the ones I wear most often even on Lawfare. Today,…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Jun 21, 2012 | Cybersecurity
As the prospects for real cybersecurity legislation seem to fade, this may be a product whose time has already come and gone. Nevertheless, for those who want a handy chart outlining (in far too brief a fashion) the major similarities and differences…
by Paul Rosenzweig | Jun 18, 2012 | Cybersecurity, Homeland Security
As Raffaela noted earlier today, there appears to be some momentum gaining for the proposed Whitehouse-Kyle compromise legislation on cybersecurity — at least if a letter from Senators Snowe and Warner constitutes momentum. To date, I do not believe…